August 9, 8:00 p.m.
Today was another long day, and hot! The good thing about that is I'm actually starting to get a semblance of a tan (Yes, Bonnie, a tan... okay, maybe just a little more off-white!)
We went to Mount Rushmore today. It was a lot farther off the freeway than we originally anticipated, bt the extra time was worth it. It was pretty cool. And the town you go through getting to the monument, Keystone, was so cool. It looked like a scene out of an old Western movie. It would have been fun to explore it a little if we had some time.

When we were leaving Mount Rushmore, we were sitting at a light and some bikers pulled up next to us. The dogs went crazy barking at the bikers. They were these hard looking guys in leather and bandanas - can you imagine little Ava trying to get all up in their face?? It was super funny and a little embarrassing. The bikers on all sides of us were laughing their heads off!
Other than that, though, the dogs have been awesome. Totally calm and sleeping the whole way. We have such awesome dogs!

We drove past Sturgis after that, still passing tons of bikers heading home. I thought it was going to be a lot more exciting, but I guess you have to actually go through the town to see all the excitement.
Then we started passing all these billboards for Wall Drug. We didn't pay much attention to them for the first 30 or so miles, but the billboards kept coming. They started saying things like "6 foot rabbit at Wall Drug" and "New T-Rex at Wall Drug" and "Kids bored? Come to Wall Drug". They just went on and on and on... so of course we had to stop. It was this cool 6-block long store that had EVERYTHING you could possibly imagine. It was super hot so we could only stay long enough to use the bathroom and buy a bumper sticker (the dogs were in the car). Funny place, though.
The rest of the drive was an almost arrow-straight drive across South Dakota. We are in Sioux Falls now. It's getting hot and muggy. I suppose it's easing us into our new life, huh? :-)
Oh - We found out today that our possessions are just leaving Seattle today. They will arrive in Maryland in 7 to 10 days. Long after we arrive. Excellent.
Sounds like you guys are moving right along....too bad your belongings aren't doing the same. We are enjoying your blog. Keep sending them please!!! Love, Bonnie
I'm so happy your mom told me about this (joey's mom that is) I'm loving this! I hope I never have to drive to Tennessee with Quentin, it doesn't sound as fun as I always imagined! I laughed so hard at the part about your dog barking at the bikers I was crying, guess I'll have to send her a spiked collar and possibly a leather jacket with hells angels or something on it! Have fun and keep safe!
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