Today we went to our first playdate put on by the Maryland iggy people. It was out at a farm in Thurmont, really in the middle of nowhere, but we had SO much fun. It was a fenced in area on this farm that the owners rented out for doggie playdates. We were able to bring Jackson. They had an agility course set up in the play area for anyone who wanted to mess around with it. We put Jack through a couple things and he did well. He wasn't afraid of any of it. We have been thinking about putting Jack through agility, just to have him in something active, so it was nice to try it out.

What we didn't expect, was that Ava loved it too!! She followed Jack through a couple of the stunts and then would go out and venture on them on her own. Ava, the girl who is afraid of EVERYTHING new, totally took to this agility stuff! So, we decided we needed to get both dogs into something like that. I think we'll do obedience first, then agility. We're really looking forward to it.

I also met the IG Rescue Rep for Maryland at the playdate. She is a lot younger than I expected, couldn't be more than 23/24 and still lives at home. She was very nice though and seemed very organized and dedicated. She asked me to get involved and of course I agreed. I think I"m going to become a board member for Mid-Atlantic Italian Greyhound Club and help as much as I can with volunteer recruitment and fundraising.
Since it's a long weekend, we have tomorrow off, too, so we're thinking about going into D.C. Haven't made it out there yet.
I love these pictures! Ava on the counter and you going to bed early - some things will never change.
OH MY GOD, How funny about the bloody Maryland, how was it? 1600 Pennsyliania Avenue, someday maybe. The Lincoln Memorial, there is so much history there and so much to see you probably won't ever see it all. It sounds like you are getting organized and your place looks cute. That Ava and Jackson look like they are having fun, love ya, Kathy
Meow! The dogs look so cute in those pics! I'm glad you posted those, because it distracted me from the part about Stuart sending you the wii. I have to admit, I'm kind of pissed about that. I really wanted him to give it to me!
Looks like you guys are adjusting well out there. Thanks for the shout out in the last blog. That made me feel special.
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