We also had a chance to spend some quality time with Joe's parents, who were a little shocked and trepidatious about our move. They gave us a nice send-off, though. I realized how much they already knew me when they gave us this advice - Joe is to keep tabs on me so I don't forget my purse anywhere and I am to keep tabs on him so he doesn't lock his keys in his car... again. :-)
We got to see Joe's niece, nephew and brother-in-law one last time, as well as good friends of Joe's and thier ADORABLE two-year-old girl. (Apparently, when she was told she would get to see us one last time she said, "Joe, Heder, like 'em." SO CUTE!!)
The drive from Canby to Wenatchee was 5 1/2 hours. It was a good preview, since we will be driving double that each day of our trip East. Wow, it's going to be long, uncomfortable days I think. At 5 hours, my ass was getting so sore and they dogs were getting a little antsy. Yikes.
We have three days here in Wenatchee. I've already hit the Wok once, so I'm 1/3 toward my goal. :-) We already have plans to go there tomorrow for my goodbye party, too. :-)
If I thought the last few days were emotional, the next few are going to be 100x worse! My family is the biggest group of emotional sobbers I've ever met. It's going to be sad...
It's now bed time. It's been a long day and the dogs are tuckered out!
The story of Heather, Joe, Ava and Jackson and our East Coast adventure!