I have been extremely lucky that since I have moved, I have been able to see many of my friends from home. First, Stuart moved to D.C. a few months after we did. I get to see him every week. Then Heidi was relocated here from Seattle for a couple months, so I was able to spend some quality time with her. Now, Ed (the only person I have kept in contact with from high school and my old Columbia Cinema colleague) was flown to Connecticut for job training and came down to visit before he flew home!
We had a rushed but fun weekend. Friday Joe and I took him out for drinks and appetizers at a local sports bar. Saturday we went into D.C. and saw the White House, Lincoln Memorial, National Mall, and Washington Monument. We also got to see the National Christmas Tree all lit up, which was something Joe and I wanted to do anyway - it was SO pretty!

Ed is a really great photographer and I thought this picture he took of the Washington Monument at sunset was really pretty:

This picture I also thought was so cool. I would have never thought to take a picture like this, but it turned out great - very artistic and a "new take" on the Lincoln Memorial:

We also went to Chinatown for dinner, which was a really cool part of town - we really need to go back there sometime when we have more time.
On Sunday we helped Ed return his rental car (a kick-ass Marquise that he was SO embarrassed to be driving around, haha), toured the Rockville Mansion (a random discovery that was pretty cool) and accompanied him on the Metro to the airport so he could fly home. It was great to see him.
Also on Saturday, we went to the Italian Greyhound Holiday Party. Ava had a great time! She was being so social, playing with the other dogs and got so excited to see the dogs that she now recognizes. It's so wonderful to watch her continue to improve... seeing her that day, you would never have believed that she was such a terrified, meek little girl who had never seen the big wide world!
My camera has apparently quit on me, so I only have pictures that others took at the party. Honestly, she did get down and play. Of course, the only pictures I found are ones of Joe and I holding her... but really, she was very social!!

Jackson was an iggy-wannabe during the party. He did fabulous with all the little dogs, and was the only non-iggy invited. :-) He really is so great with Ava and her little friends!

The IG Rescue organization I'm a part of took in 16 dogs last weekend. 16!! That is an incredibly big number, and no one thought we were going to make it work. But, I am proud to say that the Rescue Representative, Serena, worked her butt off and was able to find foster homes for ALL 16 (!!) and not only that, but she PLACED ALL BUT 4!! That is incredible, and I just have to give a shout-out to all the people who helped out. Because of them, 16 dogs are going to have much better lives.
Also, I wanted to say that Joe had another job interview today, with another chiropractor in Virginia. He said it went really well. He has met with three doctors now and Joe has liked them all. He will be making a decision this week and will then hopefully have a plan in place once he gets his license.
P.S. - Janet, if you read this, I told Joe that if you came to visit that would complete my "friends from home" loop. Come visit!! Pleeeeeaase?? I miss you!!