Well, Joe made it home safe and sound at about 8:30 p.m. Saturday night. He was exhausted from driving and the stress of the test, but said he felt good about how the test went. He will find out his scores in about 4 weeks or so.
Sunday we took the Metro into Pentagon City (Virginia) to check out an apartment that Stuart is planning to rent. Stuart will be here on October 1st and wanted to make sure this guy he will be subletting from was on the up-and-up before signing the paperwork. We gave him the go-ahead. :-)
We came back to the apartment and had a nice evening, cooking dinner and watching a movie (Baby Mama - got horrible reviews but I thought it was hilarious!). Right before bed I noticed something wrong with Ava's eye. It was all swollen! Of course, I freaked out, and started researching emergency vets online. By the time I found one online, Ava's eye had gotten worse, so I made Joe get out of bed and drive us 20 miles to the ER hospital.
I, of course, was panicked the whole way. Well, you can imagine my embarrassment when we got to the vet and noticed that the swelling had completely disappeared! I mean, I was completely relieved and happy, but so embarrassed! We went in anyway and the doctor came out, looked at Ava's face, and asked me, "So, which one was the swollen one?" He said he could see me and charge me $80 or I could just go home and keep an eye on it (since it was no longer an emergency). We went home.
I swear, that dog will be the death of me. I don't know if you can see anything in this photo we took. I was trying to hold her still so we could take a photo of it, and she was struggling, so it's not a very good one.

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