I should really start updating more regularly, especially on weekends, because my weekend updates seem to be really long. But here goes. I attended my first company picnic on Saturday. Everyone from the company was invited, and it ended up being pretty fun. I made pasta salad and it was a hit - to my surprise. :-) My coworker, Alana, rode with me to the picnic. She is the one in this picture, in the middle, with the long blond hair. She made me tell everyone that we made the pasta salad together because she forgot to buy cookies.

It turned out to be a really nice day. Some people played kickball, but mostly we just sat around and chatted. I brought Ava, and of course, she was the hit of the party. :-)

I was so bummed that Joe couldn't come with me. He has heard so much about the people I work with, and they have heard so much about him, that it would have been nice to introduce everyone. But, once again, Joe had to work this weekend. He worked a fair in Frederick, about a 1/2 hour away from our apartment. He was VERY busy during the fair.

Sunday, we got together with Stuart, who moved to the DC area last week. He is settling in well and liking being here. It was SO good to see him! We picked him up from the Metro station and took him on a tour of our little town. We showed him where both of us work, and drove him by the HSUS - where he has also applied. Then, we went to a local bar to watch some football and get some lunch. I wore my Seahawks shirt to show some hometown pride and they got annihilated by the Giants. Too bad. Good thing I don't really care about football. (Oh, I don't know if you can see the guy in the background in the Indian outfit? His name is Chief Z. He's a local celebrity around here - he's sort of part of the Redskins 'team'.)

Then we went back to our apartment so Stuart could see the dogs. Ava went bonkers when she saw her Uncle Stuart. It was pretty cute.

Then, we roped poor Stuart into helping us set up our webcam so we could talk to Joe's parents. We finally figured most of it out after about 2 hours. :-) He was such a good sport. So, we took him out for a fabulous vegan meal to thank him.

So, that was our weekend. Hope yours was good too!
Thanks for the great Sunday! It was SO good to see everyone and to have an awesome vegan meal!
Oh Heather I just got caught up on your blogs, so nice to have Stuart back with you. That is so precious about Ava and Jackson being her security. Pam flew up and we all met in Soap Lake to watch Baileys football game last night, he's JV so didn't play much but fun to get together. I'm going to Terrace Heights with Samuel Jackson, I hope it scares the shit out of me. Tell everyone hi for me, love Kathy
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