Speaking of holidays, it's now October which means it's officially Halloween season! I told Joe that I will be decorating the house today and he was in disbelief that I would start this early. I told him that I was making myself wait until it was October, so he better be happy I didn't start decorating a month ago! I've found only a couple people who planned to dress up for work, which really dissappointed me. We're a birthday company people!! We should be in to this stuff! But I told my department that I expect them to dress up (including my supervisor). I said, "I know I'm not the head of this department, but I expect all of you to dress up!" I think I've convinced them. :-)
Stuart flies in tonight. He was planning on staying with us the first night, but got his apartment secured early, so he's going to just move directly in. I'll see him this weekend. I'm excited for him to be here, but sad that he's going to take the Wii from us. :-( So selfish, that's me.
Last night we had a rain storm with thunder and lightening. We had the windows open so we could hear everything. The thunder and lightening didn't bother the dogs at all, but I think they got a little chilly. :-)

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