Thursday, October 23, 2008


This week has actually been pretty quiet. Last week it seemed like we were doing something after work every night, be it shopping for Halloween, taking the dogs to the park, or running around for volunteer stuff. This week, not so much. With Joe being "unemployed", he takes the dogs to the dog park during the day, and does the dishes and the laundry. I get home and we get to actually just sit and spend time with each other. It's nice.

I did want to mention, again, however, the importance of the upcoming proposition in California. I know not many of you that read this live in California, but you might know people who do, so please ask them to vote YES on Prop 2. If you want to do what's best for farm animals, then vote yes. If you don't really care, then what does it hurt to vote yes anyway.... for me? :-)

For some more information, see my friend Stuart's blog post at He has some actual hands-on experience with these animals and posts a picture of one of them he met. Check it out.

I'll leave you with a typical nightly scene... Me, in bed reading. Jack curled up next to me, waiting for Joe to come and kick him out of bed. Ava hidden, under the covers, fast asleep. :-)

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