What a busy weekend!! We had a very fun and interesting weekend - all about the dogs. First, we got Jackson groomed for the first time in 8 months. We were not very good parents, and he had some big mats in his hair that had to be cut out. Luckily, he did really well with it, and is now our little brown bear again.

(By the way, this is him with his new squeaky ball that his grandma got him for Easter. Wow - is it LOUD. I love how grandmas can pick out the most obnoxious toys that their granddogs will absolutely LOVE.)
We also took the dogs to the vet last week, got them all checked out and updated on heartworm preventative and Lyme's Disease preventative, and left with a clean bill of health. Yay!
Then, on Friday morning, we got a call from one of our friends in the local iggie group. They had a loss in the family and had to make a trip to Pennsylvania and they needed a last-minute dog sitter for their iggy. We of course said yes and Miss Brita was dropped off on Friday night.

She absolutely ADORES Joe. To the point where she refuses to be more than 6 inches away from him at all times. She slept either on him or next to him the entire time she was with us. It was so sweet, but I have to admit, I was a little jealous. I mean, I was taking damn good care of her, too! But she just didn't even acknowledge my existence. Sigh.

She had a bit of a tough time Friday night. She was anxious and every time she would hear the slightest sound, she would anxiously look at the door, hoping for her parents to come back. Poor girl.
We had a playdate on Saturday, so we took all three dogs to that. They had a great time and it was such a beautiful day!

Headed to the playdate - both girls on my lap.

Are we there yet?

Brita playing with the other dogs, Ava wondering why she is forced to be outside.

She is such a pretty girl!

But not as pretty as this girl!

Two completely tuckered out dogs on the way home!
(Sorry, no pics of Jackson. He was having so much fun and all over the place, and I couldn't get him to stay in one place long enough to get any shots! He did the lure course twice, and was a complete hit! He may have a future in agility!)
Brita went back home on Saturday night. She was very happy to see her parents and they reported back to us that she slept most of the day on Sunday.
For us, Sunday was the March for the Animals in Baltimore! I want to thank everyone who donated to our walk. It was for a great cause and obviously something I'm passionate about. Unfortunately, we had to leave the dogs at home. Jackson still doesn't mesh well in a crowd and we felt bad leaving Jackson at home alone for so long, so we didn't take Ava either. But we had a great time talking to all the other dog owners and it was a nice day for a walk. Here are some of the walkers:

So, as you can see, it was a busy, busy weekend, all for the dogs! Hope all of you out there had a great weekend too!