For Valentine's Day, I will be getting sappy, so for those of you who are not privy to that kind of talk, log off now and check back later. I will totally understand. :-)
I was just talking to Joe the other day about the fact that even though both of our families are a wee bit crazy (you know you are!), they are such wonderful people, so supportive of us, and love us so much. It's a really nice feeling. So then Valentine's Day rolls around, and look at the sweet things we found sitting next to our front door!
First, my mom sent us a variety box of coffee for our kick-ass coffee maker. We ran out of coffee about a month and a half ago, and because we are really trying to save money, we couldn't buy more. I have been able to have a delicious, perfect cup of coffee now for the last several days. Thank you Mom!!

My Dad is currently in Hawaii, and has been for a month now, lucky bastard. I've talked to him a couple times and he is always lounging around on the beach, soaking up the 75 degree weather. Anyway, Joe came home one afternoon, after running some errands, and found this sitting by the front door:

That's right, my father sent me a COCONUT from Hawaii!! How crazy is that? It has my address on it, and my dad, uncle and aunt wrote messages on the outside. It was definitely the most unique thing I have every received!
And then Joe texted me to inform me that I had received something from HIS father! A box of Sees Chocolates! It was so sweet because his dad gets all the woman in his family Sees Chocolates for Valentine's Day. It's like his thing - and it's tradition to go to the same Sees store and pick out the perfect box for each girl. It made me feel incredibly special that he sent one all the way to me... plus, they are so good and I can't stop eating them. I keep telling Joe to stay away from them - they were sent to ME after all.
So, you have to admit that our families are so sweet and thoughtful and we are very lucky to have them. :-)
Now, look at this beautiful bouquet of flowers. :-) Joe brought these to me at work on Friday. He definitely got props for that, considering I work in an office full of woman. Lots of "ooo"s and "ahh"s in the office. The bouquet has lilies, daisies and carnations in it - three of my favorite flowers. And it smells wonderfully!

Then last night he made me a surprise dinner - falafel from scratch! Now, that may not sound good to some of you, but falafel happens to be one of my all-time favorite foods and they are very time-consuming to make from scratch. Isn't he just the sweetest??

The dinner turned out so great and we ate by candlelight on our coffee table! We still don't have chairs for our kitchen table, but this ended up being very romantic! Champagne with raspberries topped it all off.

I was in charge of dessert, so I made chocolate fudge cake with pink frosting. I made a powdered sugar heart on top, too. It was goooood.

All-in-all, a perfect Valentine's Day. I would love to hear about yours!